
Legitimate & Impressive Careers from Home

Robin | Anywhere and Anytime Careers

We interview work-at-home pros and parents to find out what you really want to know about different remote careers, so you can create a work-at-home life that fits you.

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Something you'd never guess about me...

Hi Reader Were you surprised by my last email? Yeah, I've got personal war stories - friends, family, my own...⬇️ Re-reviewing the Fully Booked VA program got me thinking about when I've needed support in my life the most (and what it's done for me) I've got a bad self-doubt habit whenever I do something really new And sometimes it's just bigger than me and I need someone on the outside who can see through my crap - with the skills to kindly kick my butt and get me moving forward again...

7 days ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader Maybe you've heard stories of virtual assistants that make peanuts - and it's true... You can join the race for the bottom of the barrel in any career or 👇👇👇 You can upskill and keep raising your rates every time you gain a little more experience like Hailey. ⛔ Screw working for tiny one-person businesses with no budget! Hailey had the right idea to create a service any way-too-busy director (or start-up founder) couldn't resist ➡️ virtual project manager or PMVA for short Here's...

21 days ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader Legal careers...probably make you think of: ✖️ Expensive suits and college degrees✖️ Long commutes to big cities and long days✖️ Higher pay but also a rapidly increasing cost of living ✖️ Stuck in an affordable suburb you don't even like Ummm...not if you don't want to 😉and it's great news! We've found some pretty💰lucrative work-from-anywhere legal careers you can do part-time or full-time with flexible schedules and pay that grows with you Here's the average legal proofreader...

28 days ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader Ever get sucked into a show about other people's drama? It just naturally pulls you in and before you know it 👉 you're hooked and gotta find out what happens! That's exactly what happens to Ashley all the time But you wouldn't expect a legal proofreader and scopist's workday would be so enthralling... But it is! Here's how we know 👇👇👇 We've interviewed a bunch of them and they all talk about how much fun it is to listen in on the drama! But you'd probably rather hear what Ashley...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader What happens if you can't find a decent job where you live? You're looking for something: 👉 You can do every day - maybe even feel like your work matters👉 You can do remotely from anywhere - even from another country👉 You need a career that can grow with you - including the pay My personal pet peeve - feeling like a cog on a wheel - like I'm step 3 in a 10-step procedure and no one cares. thank you ⛔ It's why working directly with clients (because of the better pay) 💰 or...

about 2 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader Is there anything harder than choosing between your career and your kids? Even if you love your job... No matter how hard I tried, I always felt like a flake at work every time my kids needed me I hope you don't feel as guilty as I did about it 💔 I know you'd do anything for them. But does it have to be either or? I say no. Here are some moms who agree: Emily dropped her impossible teacher's schedule for an in-person family-friendly job before switching to a full work-at-home career...

about 2 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader If you're more than ready to do something else career-wise... I bet you'd like more money, but some things might be worth more than money like: ❤️ A schedule that lets you participate in your kids' lives every day - even weekday afternoons❤️ A typical workday that doesn't make you cringe - because you're in total control of who you work with and when you do it❤️ Your clients - or contract work - can be anywhere in the world just like you - so you can live on a farm, in a cabin in...

2 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader Have you noticed how most work-from-home careers usually fall into 4 categories? The frustrating part is when you don't fit perfectly into one category - maybe you fit halfway into two different ones! 🫤 ✅ It can also mean you've got a rare combination of skills. And maybe with a little experience and training, you'll create something new 💰💰💰 That's what happened to me...I have a weird mix of skills and natural talents that didn't make sense to me when I was younger... 🫤 It doesn't...

2 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader The hardest thing I ever learned...was to welcome imperfection - especially in my career. I'll never forget what a very good friend told me many years ago - and it's stuck with me and helped me... And right now you might need a reminder like I did. Here's what she said when I asked her advice about my business at the time: We've been friends for a long time, so I'm not going to pull any punches and tell you how I really feel, ok?(Yeah...of course, she's going to rip me to shreds,...

3 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader Have you ever run into someone who makes money online...doing something you didn't think was possible? I do...all the time. Most of them I keep in my notes - in case they turn out to be legit ways to make a living* *We only write about careers we feel good about sharing with you - because we've talked to plenty of normal people who make a living (or a good side hustle) doing them. So let's count 'em down - My top 3 surprising ways to make real money from least weird to biggest...

3 months ago • 1 min read
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