
Legitimate & Impressive Careers from Home

How these moms found the perfect flexible career

Published 2 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader

Is there anything harder than choosing between your career and your kids?

Even if you love your job...

No matter how hard I tried, I always felt like a flake at work every time my kids needed me

I hope you don't feel as guilty as I did about it 💔

I know you'd do anything for them. But does it have to be either or?

I say no.

Here are some moms who agree:

Emily dropped her impossible teacher's schedule for an in-person family-friendly job before switching to a full work-at-home career 👉 (and it's just as satisfying as teaching without the long hours) 👈

Callie was a stay-at-home mom doing virtual assistant work - but it wasn't her dream career, so she switched to something way more lucrative. The big surprise 😮 most people think a beginner could never do it 😮

Brittany quit her depressing job in a factory sewing pillows. It took a few tries to find her perfect career - ❤️ and it pays almost as much as her husband's regular office job ❤️(ps. he's kinda jealous now)

FYI - all 3 moms here have completely different careers - so flexible mom careers exist in many shapes and sizes.

Happy reading,

PS, Need help figuring out your perfect mom career? Hit reply and tell me what you do 😊

Legitimate & Impressive Careers from Home

Robin | Anywhere and Anytime Careers

We interview work-at-home pros and parents to find out what you really want to know about different remote careers, so you can create a work-at-home life that fits you.

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