It's not a's your calling

You probably hear a lot about finding your dream job...

Let's talk about something even more nourishing than a "dream job"

Your calling...

A dream job looks + sounds exciting and fun (and usually pays well)

You can see yourself doing it and enjoying the experience.

But a calling is something deeper...

And it doesn't always make logical sense why you feel a strong urge to follow it

Let's take writing as an example

Most pro writers feel called to do it (at least the ones that earn the big bucks do)

Anyone can write words on digital paper takes:

👉 Some natural talent (although not as much as you think)
👉 Some business training (because it's a labyrinth you can get lost in)
👉 Someone to remind you that you're actually really good at this (despite your talent for spotting every flaw in yourself)
👉 A burning desire to do it - because it requires a boatload of practice earn the big $5K to 10K monthly payouts (and multi-6-figure yearly revenue)

And you're not going to be a "writer"...

Here are just a few ways you can get paid to write:

1️⃣ Ghostwriter (where you write articles + emails for business owners usually on Instagram or YouTube who need extra help)

2️⃣ Freelance writer (where you write articles, lead magnets + case studies for small to medium businesses on Linkedin)

3️⃣ Book ghostwriter (where you help a successful business person plan, organize + write a full book)

4️⃣ Online publication writer (surprisingly this one pays less than all the others but it impresses clients so I'll add it here)

I'm assuming you want a part-time writing gig (and not a full-time job as a writer) but...

You can get hired to work full-time for companies as a content marketing writer too (it pays on average $51K a year btw).

If you feel called to become a writer (full or part-time), you'll need support from other pros.

The most talented writers I know...ALL think they suck as they build their skills (and reputation)

If you're feeling the call, listen to it...follow it a little...on the side

Whatever feels right

Here's a good place to get the support you'll need on your path too

Always from the 💖

Legitimate & Impressive Careers from Home

We interview work-at-home pros and parents to find out what you really want to know about different remote careers, so you can create a work-at-home life that fits you.

Read more from Legitimate & Impressive Careers from Home

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